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Friday, October 19, 2012

How Real Women Can Use 10 Feminine Strengths to Achieve Unreal Success

There's a Millionaire Inside Every Woman: How Real Women Can Use 10 Feminine Strengths to Achieve Unreal Success
Is your life less than perfect? Are you feeling stuck in your daily routine? Have you ever looked at a friend or colleague and thought, Wow, she has it together. What's her secret?
Every woman has 10 feminine forces but most rely on only 2 or 3 to get through their day. By adding 1 or 2 new strengths they'll realize exponential gains, but the real secret weapon is using all of them. Harnessing her 10 strengths is the healthiest way a woman will achieve the career and life she craves.
These 10 strengths will lead you on a discovery that will surprise, delight and transport you to new levels of personal and professional growth.
The following are three of 10 strengths women need to embrace:
1. Genius -The secret to a woman's genius is collaboration. Instead of solving problems in isolation, we naturally evolved to connect and collaborate. The success that comes from this process provides sanity, support and a smarter solution. So despite how busy we are, women have to make collaboration a priority.
I watched a group of male CEOs compete with their homemaker wives at a brain game. The men lost miserably because they failed to collaborate. They were so surprised that they demanded a rematch the following night-which they lost too! Naturally, the women pooled their resources and won again.
2. Engagement - My motto is women CAN do anything not women SHOULD do everything. This is the greatest dilemma women face. If you want a career and a happy family life you're going to have to learn to say NO. Women need to set their own expectations for what they want to accomplish, stop being commitment queens and shed the guilt. It's okay to admit that you can't handle ALL the laundry, ALL the housework and ALL the carpools. Your husband and kids will have to chip in and help. You may have to say NO to the school fundraiser and any other cause that distracts you from your goal.
3,1984 Ugg Fox Fur Tall Black Boots. Enterprise - Women may not realize it but they're already CEOs. They manage the finance, commissary, transportation and janitorial detail. They are pros at running their family like a business. It's time they start acting like a CEO in all aspects of their lives. CEOs expect a payoff for every business venture. So, when women take on new ventures or choose how to spend their time, they should ask What's the payoff? Is it monetary? Is it good for my spirit? Will it help my position at work or at home? The profit need not be in cash but there needs to be a payoff.
Whether positioning yourself for a promotion, pursuing a life goal or simply figuring out what you want to be when you grow up, the 10 feminine strengths I reveal are Inside Every Woman and when harnessed will help you achieve lasting success and fulfillment.
Success Is Inside!

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