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Thursday, November 15, 2012

crushing twisted metal

Are You A Survivor? by Jeff Miles
The sound of screeching brakes, crushing twisted metal, a splatter of broken glass, and screams from inside the turned-over call. Call 911!
This is the first number that comes into your mind whenever an accident occurs.
Paramedics are called to the accident scene for a single purpose - to save lives. Upon approaching their patient, the first thing they do is look for vital signs. Vital signs include pulse and pulse rate, signs of breathing, movements, cries for help, and signs of consciousness all these represent a glimmer of hope showing that the patient is still alive.
Next thing that a paramedic does is to look for signs of possible fracture, internal bleeding,1984 Ugg Fox Fur Tall Black Boots, shock etc. They try everything to keep the victim comfortable and safe from further harm. The essence of their action is focused on one thing - to rescue.
Just like a paramedic, the coping attitudes of an individual in the midst of a crisis in life will determine his capability as a survivor. This time however, the paramedic is also the victim intent to rescue himself.
Having a goal, which is to win over an adversity,Now to say, will determine your survival. Consider the vital signs that characterize a survivor. You are a survivor if:
1. Your first instinct is to solve the problem and not point the blame. You find the real issue in order to find the best solution to overcome the problem. Unconsciously, some people focus their attention on the source of the problem. They ask who or what started it, in an effort to pinpoint blame.
However, is this the right time to do this? What good will it do now? The problem is already there. To capitalize on the problem in order to obtain absolution is self-serving. The best approach is to find the solution. From there, you can learn the lessons that need to be learned so as not to commit the same mistakes.
2. You seek help from other people. Talk to an expert on the subject surrounding the problem to find the best solution. Asking for support or assistance is not a sign of weakness; rather it is a sign of wisdom,Your Mindset Determines Your Life. Help from others could determine survival.
3. Your first reaction is to split the problem into manageable pieces. Work on the problem by fractions. Leave room to chew the food in the mouth. Fill the mouth to the brim and it won't be able to move.
4. You know when to rest in order to regain strength. It does not mean giving up totally. Keep proper pacing to ensure you have enough stamina and energy. You cannot think clearly when you are confused. Regain your composure. In the same manner, you cannot think when exhausted. Regaining strength and composure could be all you need.
5. You can be like a garter. Flexibility has its value so make use of it. There is constant need to reinvent your self to be updated. Muster enough courage to be a master of your feeling. If the inevitable becomes imminent, accept it as part of the scourge of life.
6. You can express negative feelings in a positive way. "I may not be an excellent leader, but I am a good team player." Likewise, you can express positive feelings and learn proper perspective in finding the right solution to the problem,I am writing.
7. You have confidence and trust that the problem can be solved. The future does not look as bleak as it seem. There is always a reason to be optimistic.
You are a real survivor the moment you can grasp mentally the essence of your action to a problem - the essence to rescue yourself.

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